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Archive | Hardware & Software

Spring Cleaning for Writers

Yes, it’s that time of year. Time to clean the debris out of the writing cave and bring in some fresh material. Time to dust off your writing aspirations and get busy making them happen. Here’s my spring cleaning plan. Organize files (both computer and hard-copy). Dispose of duplicates and out-dated material. Clean equipment. See […]

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Lessons from a Computer Crash

Earlier this month, while I was reworking my Web site and setting up this blog, my laptop computer experienced what my support person called a “hard crash.” I asked what that meant, and he said, “All of your data is lost. You must reformat your hard drive.” I followed instructions, but doing this on the […]

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Life Journal™ Software

Journaling is a great way to collect subject matter and organize your thoughts for your articles and stories. I still do most of my journaling on in notebooks, and I’ve tried to organize and index them as I complete a volume. However, over time, the sheer volume of my journal content has made it hard […]

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