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Archive | Get Organized

Lessons from a Computer Crash

Earlier this month, while I was reworking my Web site and setting up this blog, my laptop computer experienced what my support person called a “hard crash.” I asked what that meant, and he said, “All of your data is lost. You must reformat your hard drive.” I followed instructions, but doing this on the […]

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Life Journal™ Software

Journaling is a great way to collect subject matter and organize your thoughts for your articles and stories. I still do most of my journaling on in notebooks, and I’ve tried to organize and index them as I complete a volume. However, over time, the sheer volume of my journal content has made it hard […]

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Online Dictionaries

Every writer’s desk should have a dictionary-thesaurus, a style guide, and a book of quotations. When I started writing for publication, I was told that I needed one dictionary and style guide for book publishing and a different set for newspaper style. OK, that’s four books already. The writer’s desk gets cluttered in a hurry […]

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