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Happy New Year 2016

Here’s hoping your 2015 was a good year and your 2016 will be even better. December was a difficult month for my family. My husband had a stress test before Thanksgiving, which led to heart cath first week of December. He had several blockages, so bypass surgery was recommended. He had surgery December 16 and […]

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Merry Christmas, 2015 Edition

Merry Christmas to all Blog4Writers subscribers. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:15 (NIV) Image credit: Morguefile,

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Thanksgiving Traditions

Today, I’m sharing my “evergreen” Thanksgiving article, which has been published several times. Holidays are great fodder for “evergreen” articles, those that can be used again and again. What are you doing this Thanksgiving? Feasting? Watching parades or football games? Traveling? Shopping to get the jump on Black Friday? Giving thanks on the side? How […]

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website building

Blog4Writers: Help Give It a Makeover

Blog4Writers will be having a makeover soon. I’m looking for a new theme (design) to give it a fresh appearance, and I’ll be doing some restructuring of the menus to make information easier to find. The most important feature of Blog4Writers, though, is its content, so the makeover must include subject matter. This is where […]

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