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Archive | Online Resources

Fall Favorites Link Roundup

  Fall is harvest time. Look what I’ve gleaned from the Web for our quarterly link roundup. Inspiration Susan J. Reinhardt on “The Care and Feeding of Writers” Self-publishing Rachelle Gardner, “Will Self-pub Sales Affect Your Future?” Social Networking Andrea Merrell, “To Tweet or Not to Tweet” Building a Platform Erin McPherson, “Platform 101 for […]

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Summer Link Harvest

Summer is the time when fresh fruit is plentiful. This week, I’ve harvested the fruit of other writers’ labor to share with you. Below, I’m sharing links to several articles I’ve found both interesting and useful. 5 Free E-Books Every Writer Needs by Jane Friedman, Writer’s Digest blog Handling Rejection by Ava Pennington (CAN blog) […]

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Free or Premium: That Is the Question

FREE--it’s the one word that gets everyone’s attention. Writers, like everyone else, love to use blogs, websites, backup services, and a host of other free-on-the-Web products. Some of them are truly free, while others are free for a limited time or limited purposes, a free trial, so-to-speak. Online businesses have learned that offering the free […]

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Writer Helps Link Roundup

This week I’m sharing links to other sites and blogs that I follow regularly. Some I may have mentioned before, but I think they’re worth a second mention.

* Cec Murphey’s Writer to Writer. Especially useful for beginning writers is the recent series entitled “Articles First?” Many beginners dream of writing a book, but they need publishing credits. Writing articles can help with that. Read the five posts here. Then check out the other posts.

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