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Archive | Writers’ Resources

Cecil Murphey

Book Review: Writer to Writer by Cecil Murphey

Subtitle: Lessons from a Lifetime of Learning. Could your writing skills use an upgrade? Are you looking for a master writer to be your mentor? Writer to Writer could be just what you need. In short one-page readings, master writer Cecil Murphey, shares what he’s learned over more than forty years of writing for publication. […]

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KCWC network

Conferences: Networking Bonanza

Why go to a writers conference? Well, the conventional wisdom is that we hone our craft, meet editors, pitch our work, and network with other writers. Sometimes I think the networking is the most important benefit. Today I’m sharing some photos from Kentucky Christian Writers Conference 2013. I attend this conference to learn from the […]

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Summer Link Roundup 2013

Ah, summer. Time to pick fresh vegetables out of the backyard garden. Or maybe you prefer browsing the farmer’s market for your produce. It’s also time for our quarterly link roundup on Blog4Writers. See the list below for the goodies I have “picked” for you from the Web. Marketing and branding: How to select the […]

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Writing Books to Read More Than Once

Going to the beach this summer? Perhaps the mountains for a retreat? Or maybe you’re taking a staycation in your own back yard. Wherever you are, you’ll want something to read. Nothing heavy or how-to. Something inspirational or motivating so that you’ll be ready to write when you’re rested and ready to write again. Consider […]

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http, online

Hone Your Craft with Online Courses

Have you wanted to attend a Christian writers’ conference but can’t afford the tuition and travel? Consider taking online classes. There are a number of options. Usually, the fees are reasonable, and there are no travel expenses to worry about. Your continuing education dollar goes entirely to honing your craft and getting to know other […]

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