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Archive | Workshops and Conferences

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Hone Your Craft with Online Courses

Have you wanted to attend a Christian writers’ conference but can’t afford the tuition and travel? Consider taking online classes. There are a number of options. Usually, the fees are reasonable, and there are no travel expenses to worry about. Your continuing education dollar goes entirely to honing your craft and getting to know other [...]

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Kentucky Conference Take-Away

Kentucky Christian Writers Conference 2012 had its share of challenges. Last week, I told you about things that didn’t go as planned—like the featured speaker who had to cancel at the last minute. But, as Twila Belk said, “God showed up and showed off,” so things worked out well. This week, I’ll share info I [...]

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Twila Belk

Kentucky Conference Nightmare?

Elizabethtown, KY, June 21, 2012. Imagine you are Barbara Wells, coordinator of Kentucky Christian Writers Conference. The keynote speaker, a popular Christian comedienne and author Chonda Pierce, has a family crisis and is forced to cancel. A conference director’s worst nightmare is upon you. What can you do? Barbara didn’t panic. She called Twila Belk, [...]

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