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Tag Archives | Grammar

Style Errors That Scream “Amateur”

Writers, show professionalism by knowing your grammar and style—and by proofreading your work. Recently, I’ve noticed obvious grammar and style errors in both print and online publications. Either they aren’t using editors or their editors are overworked. Make sure your work is free of these marks of the amateur. Plural for words ending with “st.” […]

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Grammar and Style Link Roundup

For the past few weeks, posts on Blog4writers have dealt with grammar and style. This week, I’ve spent some time locating online grammar and style resources and tutorials. Keeping your grammar and style skills in shape is a necessary discipline for writers wanting to publish their work. Tutorials and Resources: General Grammar and Style Resources […]

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Pass on the Passive by Tracy Crump

Tracy Crump is a writer and speaker whose work has been published online and in numerous print periodicals. She also presents workshops at conferences and team-teaches workshops on writing for the Chicken Soup compilation books. She publishes an e-newsletter for writers entitled “The Write Life.” Subscribe here. Which of the following sentences arouses more righteous […]

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