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Marketing Link Roundup 2014

Marketing is a subject all writers need to know more about. I’ve had graduate-level courses in marketing, but I find there’s always more to learn. Do you sometimes run across an article or blog post that makes you wish you had been the one to write it? That’s how I felt when I came across […]

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Marketing: It’s About the Customer

In my writers’ conference workshop, A Business Approach to Marketing Your Work, I started the session by asking the class to give me answers to these fill-in-the-blank questions. Writing is a _____________. Publishing is a ___________. Business is about _________. The answers I got were many and varied. Almost everyone said that writing is an […]

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Marketing Mix for Writers

Market Better, Sell More by Emily M. Akin This article first appeared in The Christian Communicator, a magazine for Christian Writers. Would you like to sell more of your writing? Maybe you should write less and market more. To get your work published, you must give your customers, the editors, what they need when they […]

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Marketing Resources

by Emily M. Akin Start with Marketing Mix for Christian Writers (first appeared in Christian Communicator). Then, check out Golden Rule Marketing for Writers which first appeared on, now defunct. Next, from the Search box, type in “marketing” or, click on “Marketing” in the Categories menu for a list of all marketing articles on […]

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