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marketing mix

Showing Off the Marketing Class

“Teaching is a great way to learn.” I don’t remember who told me that originally, but I’ve found it to be true. I’ve taught music, Bible studies, journaling workshops, and marketing courses. In every instance, I had to bone up on my subject matter in order to teach it effectively. This online marketing class (offered […]

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New Year, New Plan

  Do you have a plan for the new year yet? It’s not too late to develop one. Blog4writers is almost a year old. I’ve spent this year learning how others handle their blogs, and I’ve looked back at all my old posts. That’s helped me develop the following “resolutions” for Blog4writers 2011. Shorter posts: […]

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Survey Results and Book Giveaway

Thanks to everyone who took the time to participate in my one-question survey over the past week. Check last week’s post in case you missed the survey. Drum roll! The winner is—-Marketing. Asked what topics they prefer to see in future posts, 43% of Blog4writers readers chose Marketing. Websites and Blogs garnered 23% of the […]

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Confused, yes, no

Reader Survey with PollDaddy

Do you sometimes wonder what direction you should take with your blog content or your writing projects? I’m wondering that right now. For October, I’ve planned a series of posts for the Websites and Blogs category. Book reviews for the Writers Resources category are on tap for November. But, I’d really like to know what […]

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