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Tag Archives | Organizing for Writers


Writing through Chaos

“Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat!” And I thought my life was already complicated. How can we keep our writing schedule through the chaos that’s coming our way this holiday season? First, we need to understand the meaning of the word “chaos.” On, I found the following three meanings: A state of […]

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Book Giveaway: The Time of Your Life

Last month, at Kentucky Christian Writers Conference, I led a workshop on getting organized. I recommended Mark Porter’s The Time of Your Life: How to Accomplish All that God Wants You to Do. The book is meant for Christians seeking to integrate their work with their spiritual life, and I highly recommend it to Christian […]

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Get Organized: Your Writing Place

How can anything about your writing be organized if you don’t have a place to write? A place to store your records and resources? Today, I’m sharing with you how I’ve organized my writing space. Ten years ago, when I first started writing for publication, I set up my computer and file cabinet in an […]

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Spring Cleaning for Writers

Yes, it’s that time of year. Time to clean the debris out of the writing cave and bring in some fresh material. Time to dust off your writing aspirations and get busy making them happen. Here’s my spring cleaning plan. Organize files (both computer and hard-copy). Dispose of duplicates and out-dated material. Clean equipment. See […]

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