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Tag Archives | Submission Tracking

Organized Writer, Part 2: Records

Once your work space is set up, organize your records— research notes, submission tracking, finances, and communications. My methods are tailored for magazine submissions, but they will work for book submissions, too. Subject Matter/Content Records If you write in more than one genre, make files for each genre in the beginning. As your collection grows, […]

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inventory published work

Submission Tracking Methods

Freelance writers need to track their submissions to print and online publications. I’ve always used a card file, because I could keep it handy on my desk, and the box was not subject to computer crashes or lightning strikes. Thinking I should probably be tracking on the computer instead, I have checked into various ways […]

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“Get Organized” for Writers

“Get Organized and Sell Your Work” is the title of a conference workshop I developed for Kentucky Christian Writers Conference 2010. The handout used in that workshop is available for download here. Meanwhile, some of the content is included in posts on Blog4writers. The reason a writer needs to get organized is so that he […]

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